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Jesus: The One Who Endured First For You

Betrayed in the garden with a kiss by a friend,

Our Lord Jesus knew His time was coming to an end.

When brought before the people, the Messiah or the murderer, they had to choose.

And they cried out crucifixion for Jesus, the King of the Jews.

Upon His head were placed twisted thorns in a crown.

Whipped and mocked, He carried his cross through the town.

Nailed to the cross and with two robbers, He was crucified.

Darkness covered the land and to His Father He cried.

He gave up the ghost after one last loud sound.

Then speared in His side, blood and water fell to the ground.

And in three days Jesus the Christ rose again

With the keys of death and Hades, and with all power in his hands.

The veil of the temple was torn in two.

The gap of sin was defeated for everyone, including you.

He paid the price of sin with His life.

He did this willingly with love, not strife.

So now you can have access to your Father in Heaven

And spend eternity with your kingdom brethren.

Now, as the hardships of the world come rushing towards you,

Remember the One that first endured to show you the way to Heaven anew.

TFS - The Trinity Project

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