"Are you proud of yourself?"
The question looms brightly Behind closed eyelids.
I'm not
But I've already started.
"Are you proud of what you're doing?"
My skin burns
Under soft lips.
I'm not
But pride has me frozen in place.
"Are you proud of who you've become?"
My hands entangle
Themselves in wild hair.
But I've come too far.
"Why don't you leave?"
They pull me closer
As my heart drifts further away.
I don't know.
I'm already here.
"I can help you leave."
As clothes slide to the floor
We fall on the bed.
I can't,
Shame is the only thing covering me.
"It's not too late."
Another set of fingerprints
Smears my glass heart.
"What could you possibly want
With dirty things?"
"No amount of stains could cover
The love that I have for you.
No amount of damage could discount
The price that was paid for you.
Neither dust nor grime nor mold
Could undo the plans that I've made for you
Because I love you
And I always see the greatness inside of you."
Is it too late to leave now?
And even as I began shattering,
My Father picks up my shards.
And frames them into
A mosaic masterpiece.
December 1, 2021
Inspired by John 4
TFSx Conduit