The Fear of the Lord was one attribute that many know but few truly understand. It took me a long time to not just be afraid of the Lord but to truly revere Him in an awe struck fear and honor Him.
When I was afraid of God, I withheld things from Him and hid when I knew I fell into sin because facing Him was just too hard. I lacked the understanding of the loving, merciful and gracious Father that He truly is.
Proverbs 9:10 in the amplified version reads “The [reverent] fear of the LORD [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] is the beginning and the preeminent part of wisdom [its starting point and its essence], And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding and spiritual insight.” When we can recognize that God is truly amazing and the only omnipresent being, then we give ourselves a chance to walk in His freedom and receive His free gift of life to us.
The scripture in Proverbs 9 reminds us that when we approach God in a humble manner He will reveal to us more of who He is and that draws us closer to Him (Colossians 3:12; James 4:8-10).
The Fear of the Lord is not a fear that draws us away from the Lord but humbly draws us close to Him. When we truly fear God, it drives us to know Him more because we yearn to be knitted with Him and reap the benefits of being His. He graciously extends this radical love to us that is so easy to access, why wouldn’t we want to draw close?
Lord, I pray that the person reading this gets filled with your Holy Spirit and encounters truly fearing you. I pray this fear brings them to their knees to honor you and surrender everything over to you. May you increase their capacity to know you and seek after you and may you strengthen their walk in you. In Jesus' name.
TFS - The Trinity Project