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Writer's pictureThe Found Sheep

A Message for You

I have heard your cries, I have heard the silent words in your cries. The tears of your heart dropping, The grief and the sorrow, unspeakable. You thought I am not aware of it. You thought everything is over because there is no one there to help. But, I am right here! Just open your eyes and look around, I am, right here.

Turn your ears and listen to My voice. Can you hear me?

I am your Father.

A Father to the fatherless, (Psalm 68:5) Creator of the universe, (Isaiah 40:28) I am the Potter, and you are the Clay.

I created you, and I have a plan for you. Don't you know?

Don’t you know that I created you for a purpose? Don't you know that my thoughts are not your thoughts? Neither are your ways My ways?

You must trust Me. You must have faith in Me. And you must know that I exist.

Every single tear that fell from your eyes are numbered.

Every single drop has meaning to Me. I know your heart and everything about you. I understand your thoughts.

I knew you before I formed you in the womb.

Before you were born, I set you apart (Jeremiah 1:5).

And there’s a plan for your life.

Every word that goes forth out My mouth does not return to Me void,

But it accomplishes its purpose and prospers in the thing for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:8-11)

So are the plans l have for you.

Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11).

Don't you know I have power to make everything new again? I want you to trust Me, and to understand that there is time for everything.

Time to weep and to laugh, time to mourn and time to dance (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4)

You think no one knows what you're going through.

You think no one cares.

But I do.

I have heard your cries, I have heard the silent words in your cries. The tears of your heart dropping, The grief and the sorrow, unspeakable. I know.

Every time temptation comes on your way,

You think, I am not there. But I am. I am with you, walking you through.

Fear not, for I have created you. I have redeemed you and called you by name; and you are Mine (Isaiah 43:1) Right now it seems like I am far away, or your prayers are left unanswered, or there is no one around to help.

But I am here. I am right here walking you through the water, the rivers, and the fire. I promise you the rivers you are passing through shall not overcome you,

And the fire shall not burn you (Isaiah 43:2), for I am with you!

Even when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, fear no evil, for I am with you (Psalm 23). Don't lose hope because of the pain, sorrow, hardships, or griefs.

There will be times when you will weep and lament while the world rejoices.

And times you will become sorrowful, but I assure you,

Your sorrow will turn to joy (John 16:20)

And no one will take that joy away from you!

You can’t see me because pain clouds your eyes.

But take a deep breath,

Have faith in Me,

Keep your ears toward Me,

Your heart toward Me,

Your eyes upon Me,

For I am in you, and you are in Me.

TFSx Abra T.H.


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