The Holy Spirit is a person, not an “it”.
He is our Peace and not chaos. He is our calm when we feel like we are in the middle of a storm and He directs and guides our paths (John 16:13).
He is an integral part of our walk and empowers us to do the work of His kingdom. When Jesus left to go be with His Father in Heaven, He left us with The Comforter, which is The Holy spirit, who would teach us all things, and bring all things to our remembrance that has been taught to us (John 14:26-27). Just like us, the Holy Spirit has attributes, characteristics and traits so in the next few months we are going to review scripture on some of His characteristics that make Him who He is to us and walk more intimately with Him. I pray the Holy Spirit becomes more than just a person to you but a Friend, Father, and Companion.
TFS - The Trinity Project